Space-Based Solar Power

a public discussion sponsored by the Space Frontier Foundation

Discovery Channel to Show Documentary on Space-Based Solar Power!

Posted by Coyote on September 3, 2008

I told Mike “Green Hornet” Hornitschek that we’d be famous!

The Discovery Channel (which my kids LOVE and we LOVE them watching it!) will show a documentary on Space-Based Solar Power at 10pm on 12 September, 2008. We filmed it in Washington DC at the Space Frontier Foundation’s New$pace 2008 conference (you are a member, aren’t you?). It was so totally cool working with the pros from the Futures Channel who did the filming (they must work closely with the Discovery Channel). It was amazing watching them do their thing.  They turned a small conference room at the hotel into a studio, wired us up, created mood lighting, and all that Hollywood stuff. These guys were entirely professional and WOW, it was entirely motivational being around professional media people who want to tell a story so kids get excited!

So, here is the preview from our most excellent friends at the Futures Channel:

Space-Based Solar Power on the Futures Channel

Make sure you tune-in to the Discovery Channel when it airs. Record it, and share it with all your friends, consistent with the laws in your viewing area*!



* We’ve got to be careful with copyright laws…I once got into a kerfuffel because I described a baseball game to a friend of mine without the expressed written permission of the commissioner of major league baseball!

3 Responses to “Discovery Channel to Show Documentary on Space-Based Solar Power!”

  1. Chris C. said

    Unfortunately, I don’t get the “Futures Channel” in my service area (maybe in the future? Har har). Anyway, I hope there will be a web-only version.


  2. Robert said

    Congratulations to John Mankins and his team for the successful wireless power demo shown on the Discovery Channel 9/12/08. A small MW signal was beamed some 90 miles between two Hawaiian islands, about the distance between space and the ground. I understand due to FAA and budget constraints, the wattage was very low but at least it proved SSP theory with end-to-end component hardware. One question, where were the rest of you guys? Is there another segment in the works?

  3. J. Contini said

    The Futures Channel is something you can access on the web, it isn’t a Television channel.

    The video he spoke of will officially be released this coming Monday.

    Check out the site!

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